5 Ways to Stay Connected with Friends When You Feel Faraway

Life can get busy and sometimes it is hard to connect with friends that feel a lifetime away. Use these 5 tips to stay connected with friends!

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This guest post is courtesy of Greetabl, one of our favorite ways to send unique gifts your crew will love. Customers customize a card with their own pictures and a message, and select a gift to go with it. The card folds up into a gift box around the gift and is shipped directly to their loved ones in a perfect little package. Gifts generally range from $15-$30, making it the most thoughtful way to say “I am thinking of you” or “I really miss your face”. We’ve collaborated with Greetabl to offer a special gift for those friends you miss drinking wine with. Send your people a unique Greetabl gift that includes a FREE $45 Bright Cellars gift card for your recipient. As if that wasn’t amazing enough, be sure to read to the end for a special Greetabl discount JUST for Glass Half Full readers (that’s you!).

Ever wish you could teleport? We do too. Between high school and college friends, remote co-workers, and scattered family, it’s easy to wish you were with them all right now, drinking a glass (or three) of wine together and reconnecting. When your network spans far and wide, we cannot blame anyone who gets overwhelmed at the thought of keeping up with everyone. We totally relate - you’re a working professional, managing a full plate of responsibilities, and there never seems to be enough hours in the day to relax with your favorite people.

o matter how amazing of a friend, a sibling, or co-worker you are, it’s hard to stay connected when you cannot BE there. At Greetabl, we’d like to think we’re kinda good at keeping people together (I mean, it’s literally our mission to bring people closer together!). We know hundreds or thousands of miles in distance doesn’t stop you from putting your all into your relationships, so here are five of our favorite ways to stay connected when you feel faraway:

1. Host a Virtual Dinner

It’s safe to say most social gatherings happen over food. From brunch to afternoon coffee to dinner, we love any excuse to commune around a table. If you’re craving (no pun intended!) a bit of normalcy, throw a virtual dinner. Hosting a virtual dinner is a easy way to stay connected with friends. Even if your relationship spans from coast to coast, eating together over a video call almost feels like you’re hanging out in a booth at your favorite local restaurant. Added bonus if you cook together beforehand. We recommend trying out a new recipe or ordering from your favorite meal kit delivery service, and walk through the steps alongside one another. Extra bonus if you send your people a bottle of wine to sip on during the meal! (We obviously recommend Bright Cellars for this! They’re amazing).

2. Throw a Netflix Party

Nothing says “camaraderie” like watching a movie or tv show together. For Team Greetabl’s quarterly outing, we tuned into Always Be My Maybe and live chatted throughout the movie. While our opinions on Ali Wong’s silver screen debut starkly varied, we could all agree the afternoon was a much-needed break of (virtual) laughter and jokes. We definitely recommend this one to remote teams - finally, you’ll have something to bond over other than internet issues during Zoom meetings! All your team members have to do is download the Google Chrome extension and log into their Netflix account - it’s easy as that.

3. Play a Game (or Two!) Over Video Call

Another favorite of Greetabl HQ! For a team member’s baby shower, we joined the House Party app and played games for an afternoon off the clock. Some of our team members have a super competitive spirit, while others totally believe “everyone wins!”. Regardless of the approach, it was amazing to connect over iffy pictionary drawings and decently-executed charades. Pick your game and the app takes care of the hard work and the clean-up.

4. Schedule Routine Check Ins

A three hour conversation with someone you haven’t caught up with in awhile is great, especially to celebrate a big life event, but don’t forget to be consistent with the close people in your life. Getting something routine on the calendar will help bring a sense of structure to your schedule, and you’ll look forward to the every-other-Thursday that is reserved for your calls. Booking ahead of time on your video platform of choice will also allow you to sync the meeting to your calendar - you’ll have no excuse to forget about a call again. We encourage you to pour yourself a glass of wine before logging on! Because everything (especially long-neglected check-ins with friends) are made better with wine. 

5. Send a Greetabl Gift

Even when you can’t BE there, Greetabl can help you stay connected to your people. Whether it’s a close friend or long-distance co-worker, Greetabl is the perfect solution for any relationship you’re looking to invest in. They have endless options to customize a gift for every occasion, plus you never have to go to the Post Office. Staying connected with friends has never been easier! Be sure to check out our collaboration with Bright Cellars and send a gift to the ones you miss drinking wine with - in our case, especially on Bachelor Mondays. Use promo code BRIGHTCELLARS for 10% off your first order on greetabl.com.

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