By The Numbers: What’s Your Favorite Excuse to Drink Wine?

Having a glass of wine after a long day is the perfect way to unwind. What's your favorite excuse to drink wine? Or do you not need an excuse?

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What is your go-to excuse to drink wine? How does it compare to other wine lovers? Yesterday, we asked the Glass Half Full community what their favorite excuse to drink wine is. We thought this fun-loving question was a good one to ask because well...we need some more excuses to drink wine to add to our collection. When we polled the Bright Cellars staff most of them said, “it’s kind of our job...isn’t it?”. Well, they aren’t wrong! But many also said they didn’t need an excuse to drink their wine. Having a glass of vino after work is part of their normal unwind routine.

The Results

Your votes were similar to what we thought they would be! Who needs an excuse to drink wine?! Here are the results:
  • 1.8% of respondents said their excuse was because they just finished a workout.
  • 3.7% of respondents said their excuse was because they got out of bed today.
  • 27.1% of respondents said their favorite excuse was because they finished a day of work.
  • 67.4% of respondents said they didn’t need an excuse to drink wine.
As you can see, the large majority of respondents don’t need an excuse to drink their wine! And we completely understand why. Drinking red wine in moderation can be very good for you, and many don’t know but white wine also has some great health benefits. Along with our Glass Half Full community, we asked Bright Cellars' Instagram followers this same question. Here are some of our favorite responses:
  • Uhh because it’s 2020
  • It’s a day that ends with y!
  • It pairs so well with what I’m cooking for dinner
  • The baby is asleep after a day of not napping
  • My Bright Cellars shipment came today!

Along with these fun responses many said that they didn’t need an excuse – they just like having a glass to unwind.

In Vino Finito

There are many different reasons why you enjoy a glass of wine! If you ever want to switch it up and try making a wine cocktail here are some ideas to get you started

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