Northern California Wildfires

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Devastating fires are raging across northern California’s wine country. The damage is tremendous. As a wine company, this hits very close to home. We are grateful to report that the Bright Cellars team and our closest partners are all safe. Unfortunately this is not the case for everyone. Tragically, these fires have already claimed the lives of many.

On a personal note, I have only worked in the wine industry for one year. I cannot express what an incredibly supportive community exists within this industry. Total strangers have gone exceptional lengths to support my goals simply because they are caring and helpful individuals. Many of those same people are currently evacuating their homes and trying to figure out how to rebuild their lives.

I feel comfortable speaking for our staff when I say to everyone impacted by the fires that we are all thinking of you, and we are here to support you in your recovery. I want to bring special awareness to the first responders who have been charged with the impossible task of containing this wild blaze. Despite the long odds, they have done everything they can to help keep the people of northern California safe. To help aide in this fight and eventual recovery, please consider donating to this GoFundMe. Stay Safe Everyone.

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