Easy DIY Thanksgiving Wine Bottle Centerpieces That are Sure to Impress

Thanksgiving is coming in hot & the table is an important piece. These 5 simple Thanksgiving wine bottle centerpieces are a great addition to your table!

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It may seem hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is almost here! It’s the time of year to gather with family, express gratitude, and – of course – eat stuffing. These 5 simple Thanksgiving wine bottle centerpieces are sure to impress!

Let’s be honest: For many of us, the food is really the star of the show. You put in a ton of work to create the traditional feast and pick out just the right wine. When it comes to your tablescape, why not keep things simple?

Thankfully, it’s super easy to upcycle your empty wine bottles into chic and adorable centerpieces that are sure to impress your family.

Besides, when you’re sitting around the table, what better way to make your guests feel at home than with a homemade centerpiece?

Check out these 5 unique wine bottle centerpiece ideas that are easy and fun to make with your friends or with the kids.

Twine Bottles

1. Painted Twine Bottles

This craft works particularly well if you have several bottles that are the same shape. Whether you place them on your table or on the mantle, these lovely Thanksgiving bottles will remind everyone what’s important this season.

You’ll Need:

  • 10 empty wine bottles
  • Cream colored spray paint
  • Twine
  • Sticker letters that spell out “GIVE THANKS”
  • Feathers or wheat (optional)


First, remove the labels. Next, spray paint the bottles. When they’re dry, wrap twine around the middle of the bottles, using hot glue to secure the ends. Stick on the letters. You can put the corks back in, or stick feathers or wheat inside the opening.

2. Wine Bottle Turkeys

These wine bottle centerpieces are absolutely adorable. Plus, the kids will have a blast helping to decorate them. Here’s how to make these easy seasonal centerpieces.

You’ll Need:

  • A wine bottle
  • Orange, yellow, red, brown, gold, and glitter cardstock
  • An 8-inch cake circle
  • Craft glue
  • Scissors


Cut the cardstock into the shape of fall leaves. Glue the leaves to the outer edge of the cake plate, and then fill in the middle. Glue the bottle to the center, and then decorate the turkey’s face.


3. Wine Bottle Candles

Want to create a little mood lighting? These simple yet stunning wine bottle centerpieces will brighten up your table with elegant candlelight.

You’ll Need:
  • Wine bottles
  • Gold spray paint
  • Tall candlesticks


First, spray paint your bottles. Keep in mind that you may need to do two coats. When the bottles are dry, stick long candlesticks into the top. Remember to place your decorated bottles on something that can catch any wax that drips down.

4. Light Up Wine Bottles

If you’ve got kids running around and don’t want to use candles, your wine bottles can still be a source of light on the table. These elegant light-up bottles are sure to make a statement.

You’ll Need:

  • 3 wine bottles and corks
  • 3 single-plug strand of 20-25 lights


First, remove the labels. While wearing eye protection and work gloves, drill a hole a couple inches from the bottom of each bottle using a ½ inch drill bit that’s designed for glass. Feed the non-plug end of the string lights into the hole, leaving a length of cord sticking out of the opening.

5. Metallic Wine Bottle Vases

Looking for a slightly simpler wine bottle craft? Check out these lovely metallic wine bottle vases that are perfect for your Thanksgiving table.

You’ll Need:

  • 3 wine bottles
  • Primer
  • Spray paint in 3 fall colors
  • Cotton branches or feathers


First, remove the labels. Spray the bottles with primer before applying the paint. Use fall colors like gold, silver, and copper. When the bottles dry, stick cotton branches or feathers into the top.

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