Garnacha: A New Experience

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Like a lot of wine drinkers, we know what we like. When we want a glass of wine (which is pretty often), we don’t want to guess wrong. We just want something we know we'll love and won't be wasting our money on. But forcing yourself to finish a glass so you get your money's worth sort of defeats the whole purpose of drinking wine in the first place.

Of course, there are times when you’ve had a long day and you need that perfect glass of red you’ve been craving all week. But, sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith to get yourself out of the rut you didn’t even know you were in.

Red Wine in glass

Inspired to change our perspective, we're drinking something different - Garnacha. This is a wine you've probably never grabbed from your local shop. Why? Because you (like us) have no idea what it is. The unknown is terrifying, but trying new things helps you grow. Growth is good and, turns out, so is Garnacha.

Garnacha is the Spanish name for the French grape, Grenache. This grape is well known for its use in the GSM Blends of the Rhone Valley and is also growing in popularity thanks to the prominence of Châteauneuf-du-Pape wine. The less famous Garnacha is grown in the Aragón region of Spain, just two hundred kilometers west of Barcelona. This grape thrives in the long, hot growing season of the region. The extended growing season concentrates its flavor and increases the alcohol content. To describe Garnacha in the least pretentious way possible, it's super drinkable. It smells like sweet strawberries and cherries, but tastes a bit drier than the sweetness on the nose has you to expect. On your palate, you'll get black cherry and hints of earth and smoke. This wine's easy levels of acidity, tannins and full body make it perfect for pairing with a huge variety of foods. Tapas anyone?

Testing out a new wine can be intimidating, but sometimes when we want to get out of a wine rut, trying something new is exactly what we need. We're always down for the excitement of trusting your gut and simply grabbing a bottle.

Cheers! Sources: Las Rocas, Forbes

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