Hosting & Toasting: Your Holiday Wine Guide

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The holidays are here and we’re looking forward to two of our favorite things: hosting get-togethers and cozying up indoors! Whether you’re entertaining the masses or having a wine and cheese party for one, follow these simple guidelines from Bright Cellars for a delicious and eye-catching pairing experience. Tip #1 For a great cheese selection, include at least one soft cheese, multiple hard or aged cheeses and one unique blue or goat cheese. Tip #2 When hosting a group, it’s best to have 1-2 oz of each cheese per person. Tip #3 Spruce up your cheese board with fun adds like figs, olives, nuts, dried fruits, mustard, honey and crusty bread! Tip #4 Instead of taking a trip to the wine aisle and selecting generic bottles for your guests, take the Bright Cellars wine quiz to get matched with unique wines from all over the world!


Chardonnay + Brie

Full-bodied whites like Chardonnay compliment mild, smooth cheeses Bright Cellars Recommendation: Quinte Royale Chardonnay

Cabernet Sauvignon + Aged Gouda

Hard aged cheeses pair best with equally bold, ageable wines Bright Cellars Recommendation: Pana Cabernet Sauvignon

Malbec + Sharp Cheddar

Potent cheeses need a full-bodied wine to match Bright Cellars Recommendation: Lost City Malbec

Sauvignon Blanc + Goat Cheese

Acidic, crisp white wines mirror the acidity and avor of goat cheese Bright Cellars Recommendation: Forty Winks Sauvignon Blanc

Moscato + Pepper jack

Sweeter wines help mellow spicy, zesty cheeses Bright Cellars Recommendation: Burrasca Moscato

Zinfandel + Gruyère

Firm, nutty cheeses pair perfectly with jammy or spicy wines Bright Cellars Recommendation: Mojave Rain Zinfandel

Having trouble deciding which pairings to include at your next wine night? Choose the wines that pair with your unique taste palate.

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