How to Avoid a Wine Hangover

When it comes to a wine hangover, everyone's different but here are some tips and tricks to help avoid, cure or even prevent wine hangover!

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We’ve all been there. There’s nothing like a pulsing headache, queasy stomach, body aches, and major fatigue to make you mentally retrace every action you took the night before. Did you drink water? Did you over consume or drink in moderation?

Everyone’s different when it comes to a wine hangover, but there are a handful of habits you can put into practice to help avoid wine hangover.

Here are some ways to minimize the dreaded wine flu!

Debunking the Sulfite Myth

Before we jump into our tips and tricks, we have to set the record straight. Most people think wine headaches are the product of sulfites in wine. The truth? Sulfites are probably not the cause of your wine headaches.

Almost all wine contains sulfites, because they are still the best way to store, preserve, and age wine. Plus, sulfites are naturally produced in the fermentation process, so it’s difficult to avoid them altogether.

If you suffer from wine headaches, there are a few other culprits that could be giving you trouble. Read this blog post to diagnose what’s causing the problem - tannins, histamines, or sugar.

How to Prevent Wine Hangover

1. Drink on a full stomach

Before you start drinking, make sure you’ve eaten! Drinking on a full stomach is so important - without it, your body speeds up the absorption of alcohol.

2. Stay hydrated

Let’s be honest - we should all be drinking more water. Studies show that women should drink about nine 8 oz glasses of water per day, while men should drink about twelve 8 oz glasses.

Wine can leave you dehydrated, contributing to the next morning’s hangover. Try drinking a glass of water in between glasses of wine or alternating sips of wine and water.

3. Drink in moderation

The best way to avoid feeling awful in the morning is limiting your alcohol consumption. At the end of the day, only you know your limit. To reduce the risk of over consuming, decide how many glasses of wine you’d like to drink before you open the bottle. Stick to that number!

4. Drink low ABV wines

Remember - wine can range in alcohol content from 5-20%. If you’re looking to reduce the chance of a wine hangover, opt for a lower ABV wine like Moscato or Riesling. Explore this list of low ABV wines that are great for warm weather sipping!

5. Avoid mixing wine with other types of alcohol

If you struggle with hangovers, stick to one type of alcohol. We love mixing up wine cocktails, but introducing different types of liquor could invite a hangover later.

6. Try taking a non drowsy antihistamine before drinking

If histamines are the problem, some people recommend taking a non drowsy antihistamine like Allegra or Claritin before you start drinking.

7. Stop drinking two to three hours before you go to sleep

Wondering why you’re waking up groggy? When we consume alcohol, it greatly affects our quality of sleep. For a better night’s snooze, give your wine a few hours to metabolize before you hit the hay.

8. Switch to white wine or a less tannic red

Suffering from a red wine hangover? We wouldn’t recommend this unless absolutely necessary, but you could try switching to white wine or a less tannic red wine like Pinot Noir. White wines have less tannins, which have been tied to hangovers.

Wine Hangover Cure

If it’s too late for you and you’re thinking your fate is already sealed, don't worry. There may not be a complete wine hangover cure, but we have some tips and tricks that can help you recover if the damage has already been done.

1. Hydrate

This one’s a no-brainer. Pound water like there’s no tomorrow. You could also try something with electrolytes or sugar - Gatorade, juice, and coconut water are great options.

2. Eat light

Some people swear by greasy meals the morning after drinking, but light, low flavor meals may be better for you. Try eating some cereal or a piece of toast. If you’re really in the danger zone, try saltine crackers.

3. Sleep it off

If you have the option, sleeping off a hangover is the easiest way to bounce back. Let your body heal on its own!

4. Pop a pain reliever

If you’re dealing with a raging headache or other wine hangover symptoms, try taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain reliever like ibuprofen, Advil, or Aleve.

Avoid Tylenol, as the main ingredient (acetaminophen) is metabolized through your liver, and your liver is already working hard taking care of last night’s alcohol.

5. Don’t drink more

You may be tempted to continue drinking, but we’d caution against that. ‘Hair of the dog’ may mask your symptoms in the short term, but it will only prolong them and make you feel worse in the long run. Instead, give your body the chance to fully recover.

You should also avoid saunas and intense detoxes - if you’re already dehydrated, excessive sweating can actually be harmful.

In Vino Finito

What hangover remedies do you swear by? Let us know in the comments!

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