NEW WINE ALERT: Bushtelly Shiraz

Are you adventurous enough to try this bold Australian wine? Bright Cellars' Bushtelly Shiraz has flavor notes of raspberry, smoke, blackberry, and plum.

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We’re excited to announce our latest Australian wine, Bright Cellars' Bushtelly Shiraz! This ripe and fruit-forward wine has flavor notes of raspberry, smoke, blackberry, and plum. This smokey wine is perfect for a night under the stars watching the campfire (AKAbushtelly”).



Imagine you’re out camping. There’s no electricity, which means no phone, TV, or other electronics. It’s just you, your friends, and the great Australian wilderness. All you have to watch is the fire dancing and the stars shining above you. “Bushtelly” is the Australian term for when you’re camping in the bush (nature) and all you have to watch is the campfire (the telly). The Australian bush is like the backwoods, or any undeveloped natural area. And Australians love the bush. They have a distinct love of the outdoors, traveling, and adventure. Bushtelly echoes Australia’s love for the outdoors. It’s about enjoying the little things in life – the crackle of the fire, the cool breeze as you pull your blanket a little closer, and the ways the stars dance in the sky. Do you enjoy sleeping with only a blanket of stars over your head? The Bushtelly Shiraz may be for you.

bustelly shiraz
Bright Cellars' Bushtelly Shiraz

Bushtelly Shiraz

Are you bold and adventurous? This bold full-bodied Australian red wine has ripe fruit flavor notes of juicy plum, strawberry, and raspberry. With every sip you’ll also have flavor notes of smoky campfire, spicy black pepper, and green eucalyptus. What makes this wine so unique is the feeling you get when you’re drinking it. We suggest you turn off the TV, and put your phone in the other room while you sit outside and watch the sky – you may see a shooting star! This wine’s full-body and fruit forward flavors are similar to a Cabernet Sauvignon. Any Cab lover would love this alternative!

Perfect Food Pairings

This wine is all about being adventurous! So get creative with your pairings! Here is what we suggest pairing this Shiraz with:
  • Duck
  • Braised beef
  • Aged hard cheeses like Gouda
  • Hamburgers,
  • Grilled veggies.

Grown in SE Australia

The grapes for Bright Cellars' Bushtelly Shiraz were grown in SE Australia. Southeastern Australia is a lowland area that has a temperate climate. This wine region spains over Queensland and New South Wales, with the largest and best known cities being Brisbane and Sydney. The average summer temperature can range in the high 70s to mid 80s. In the winter the temperature is around 40-50° F. Unlike other parts of Australia this region gets a good amount of rainfall each year. When you're closer to the ocean the annual rainfall amount is around 31.5 in to 40 in. But that number goes down quite a bit the more inland you go, with about 15 in to 24 in of rainfall annually. This region has moderately fertile soils that allow for a wide variety of different plant and animal life. One of the many plants grown in this area is eucalyptus. There are over 700 eucalyptus varieties out there, and only 7 can be found outside of Australia. The eucalyptus plants make this soil unique and gives the vineyards growing nearby the added taste of Australian eucalyptus.

In Vino Finito

Are you bold enough to add the Bushtelly Shiraz to your next box? Reach out to our Wine Concierge Team at or give them a call at (844) 223-5527 to get this in your next box! Want more daily wine wisdom? 
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