New Wine Alert: Vidriado Malbec

New to Bright Cellars, our Vidriado Malbec is grown at the top of the world - high elevation Mendoza, Argentina.

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Bright Cellars' Vidriado Malbec

After much thought, care, and careful attention, we’re excited to introduce you to Vidriado wines. New to Bright Cellars, Vidriado wines are singular wines grown at the top of the world - high elevation Mendoza, Argentina.

Our Vidridado Malbec is glazed by the sun and the pride and joy of Mendoza. This full-bodied red shows flavors of blueberry, and black raspberry with plum and cherry on the palate.

Vidriado Wines

Vidriado wines hail from “the top of the world” Argentina - the country with the world’s greatest concentration of high-elevation vineyards.

Born of mountainous terroirs, this striking collection of wines is named “Vidriado” or “glazed” in Spanish. The name alludes to the thick skins the grapes grow to survive their harsh yet gorgeous high-elevation vineyards.

Wines grown at high elevation, more than any other terroir, reflect their landscape of origin with concentrated flavors and deep hues. Experience these singular wines grown on top of the world.

Vidriado Malbec

With soft tannins and full body, this Malbec showcases ripe aromas of blueberry and black raspberry with plum and cherry notes on the palate.

If you’re ever at a blind tasting and want to impress your friends, Malbec’s telltale visual indicator is a bright magenta rim and more opaque coloring. Our Vidriado Malbec boasts a deep magenta hue that makes it a sight to behold, as well as to sip.

Glazed in Mendoza, Argentina

Famously known for its renown Malbecs, Mendoza is a large province home to three quarters of Argentina’s vineyards.

While Argentina was responsible for the popularization of Malbec, it wasn’t its original home. Malbec was born in South West France, but was considered a minor grape until Argentina put it on the map, and it grew to international fame.

Mendoza offers one of the most intense wine growing climates in the world. We know that Malbec thrives in the sun, so high elevation Mendoza with unique mountain terroir proves to be the perfect growing place for Malbec grapes. But there’s more to this beautiful Argentinian wine region that makes it ideal for viticulture.

Mendoza lies on a high flat plane near the Andes mountains. While Mendoza is characterized as a desert, the peaks of these mountains act as a rain shadow and the snowmelt from the Andes actually funnels into irrigation channels to fuel the viticulture. Wild, right?

In some high-elevation, hot climate wine regions, the grapes are at risk of ripening too quickly and losing their acidity. Mendoza conveniently sits about 3000-4000 feet above sea level, which means temperatures drop significantly at night. This saves the grapes, slowing down the ripening process in the evenings and ensuring acidity is balanced.

Pairing Vidriado Malbec

Unlike what you’d expect from another full-bodied red like Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec doesn’t have a long finish so it pairs best with leaner red meats. It also meshes well with blue cheese.

In Vino Finito

To get our highly desired Vidriado Malbec in your next box, you can contact our Wine Concierge Team at or give them a call at (844) 223-5527!

If you’re not a Bright Cellars’ member, be sure to take our quiz and see if Vidriado wines are a match! Want more daily wine wisdom right to your inbox? Subscribe to our daily newsletter, Glass Half Full.

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