NEW WINE ALERT: Worst Evils Zinfandel

There is an evil within all of us. Bright Cellars' Worst Evils Zinfandel is a jammy red wine with smoky and fruity flavor notes.

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The wait is over! We've gotten loads of emails and calls asking us when this'll be ready, and we're excited to announce our new wine, the Bright Cellars’ Worst Evils Zinfandel. This mysterious and dark wine has flavor notes of cherry, strawberry, vanilla, and smoke.

worst evils
Bright Cellars Worst Evils Zinfandel

Worst Evils Zinfandel

The Worst Evils Zinfandel helps combat the evil inside all of us. Lighting our heart with its rich ruby red color and flavors notes of red cherry, fruity strawberry, aromatic vanilla, and dark smoke, it helps take our mind off everything consuming our lives – our phone, the constant echo chamber of social media, our overflowing calendars. This wine is one of Bright Cellars’ premium Zinfandels and that is shown through its jammy flavors and medium acidity. Hailing from the prestigious Dry Creek Valley AVA, this medium bodied Zin fights the world’s worst evils.

Pairing with Worst Evils Zinfandel

This Zinfandel pairs well with Asian BBQ pork or chicken. It also goes well with sharp cheddar, smoked gouda, blackened salmon, fire roasted red peppers, and grilled burgers.

Dry Creek Valley AVA

The Dry Creek Valley AVA features 9,000 acres of vineyards, 60 wineries, and not one single spot light. All this in an area that is 16 miles long and 2 miles wide. This wine region is located in North-Central Sonoma County and is best known for its jammy Zinfandels. You’ll find this 140 year old AVA just outside the city of Healdsburg, CA.

Even though it is a popular wine region, not much has changed. You’ll still find only rural family-owned wineries and vineyards across the AVA. This AVA was established in 1983, but many of the families who farm here are descendants of immigrants that traveled to California in the 1800s. Zinfandel has been the #1 grape grown in the area since the beginning. You can still find some of the oldest Zinfandel vines growing here. Including some that date back to the Prohibition era! While the name suggests that this area is dry, it actually isn’t at all. Annually the area gets around 40 inches of rainfall each year.

The soil in the region is a rare gem that helps make the grapes so flavorful. Dry Creek River Valley is located on ancient earthquake faults which caused the soil to be deposited over many years. It mostly consists of gravelly and sandy loam. But the soil is very fertile and makes for great growing! The climate in this region is what some might call “perfect”. In the north you have Lake Sonoma and in the south there is the Dry Creek and Russian River. These bodies of water have a great influence on the land and climate! The mountain range nearby helps keep cooler coastal temperatures away, so during the day the average temperature is around 80 degree Fahrenheit from July – September. However, the mountains also help bring in the cooler air and fog at night. Since the grapes have long warm days, the fruit can fully ripen. While the cooler temperatures at night allow for the grapes to keep their acidity and balance. This is the ideal way to grow Zinfandel and Sauvignon Blanc grapes!

In Vino Finito

Remember there is an evil lurking inside all of us. Fight off this evil with a glass of Worst Evils Zinfandel. If you want to try our new Worst Evils Zinfandel, reach out to our Sales Team at or give them a call at (844) 223-5527 to inquire about custom orders! 

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