Summertime Red Wines

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You’re on a patio, the temperature is somewhere north of 80, you have a grill, some meat, and a bunch of empty glasses. What do you reach for? Frozen margaritas wouldn’t be wrong (frozen margs are never wrong), but we’re pouring juicy, chillable reds! Whites and rosés are often considered the go-to summer sippers, but the combination of a slightly chilled, light red wine with anything charred on a grill is one of the greatest gifts of summer. For the most refreshing vino al fresco experience, seek out these thin-skinned varietals:

Pinot Noir

An excellent choice with grilled meats, veggies, and even seafood (see our Grape & Grill post for suggested pairings). New World Pinot Noir tends to be less structured and more fruit forward, thus a great choice for patio drinking. We love Blue Towers Pinot Noir from Valle Central, Chile. Chill for 20 minutes for optimal enjoyment!


a.k.a. Grenache, these wines from Spain are usually clean and bright, and can be drank on their own or with most bbq foods. Acopio Garnacha 2015 is one of our all-time faves! You may notice aromas of orange rinds or ruby-red grapefruit while enjoying this Spanish sipper. Go ahead, add an umbrella to your glass.


a.k.a. Chianti, this Italian vino pairs with a wide range of foods. However, thanks to its medium body, savory qualities, and high acidity levels, it's a near perfect match for herbs and tomatoes. Pairing a glass - especially if its our Burrasca Sangiovese 2015 - with a tomato-based dish will bring out even more fruity qualities in the wine. Caprese salad with home-grown basil, anyone?


The perfect choice for the veranda. Tempranillo has enough structure to stand up to the items coming off your grill, but its red fruit profile also makes it a great cocktail wine. See our Simple Spanish Sangria recipe to take this light red to the next level. If you’re looking to try a bottle this summer, reach for our Acopio Tempranillo 2015. Cheers!
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