What We’re Consuming: The Vesper

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The name’s Blanc, Lillet Blanc. The Vesper is a great cocktail for someone who wants to serve a creative classic. A classic Vesper uses gin, vodka, and Lillet Blanc. It’s rather strong, but as James Bond’s drink of choice, it’s a must-try for any adrenaline junkie. Though Bond normally insisted on his martinis being “shaken, not stirred,” any seasoned mixologist knows that you should never shake a ‘tini. Check out the recipe below, and discover how to design a Vesper that even 007 would drool over.
Ingredients: 3 oz. gin 1 oz. vodka ½ oz. Lillet Blanc 1 lemon peel
  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Add gin, vodka and Lillet Blanc to the shaker.
  3. Using a tall bar spoon, stir mixture approximately 50 times. Warning: your shaker will get pretty frosty on the outside!
  4. Strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass
  5. Cut a thin strip of lemon peel and twist over the drink. Run peel around rim of cocktail glass before placing it to float in the martini.
  6. Take a sip and go save a damsel in distress.
Cheers! Source: Bonappetit
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