Where Do Your Favorite US Wines Come From?

This week we asked the Glass Half full readers, where does your favorite US wine come from? Can you guess which state took the #1 spot?

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Wine came to the United States in the 16th century & it has come a long way since then! Now all 50 states produce some sort of vino! So, which US wine is the best? When we asked Bright Cellars’ employees this question we could barely get it out before they all started to yell, “CALIFORNIA!” And who can blame them for thinking that?

The Results

Here are the results:
  • 58.7% of respondents said their favorite wine comes from California.
  • 18.5% of respondents said their #1 vino is from Washington.
  • 15.9% of respondents said their favorite wine is from Oregon.
  • 3.9% of respondents said their favorite vino is from Texas.
  • 2.9% of respondents said this #1 US wine is from New York.
We are not surprised that California takes home the gold. It's the #1 vino-producing state in the US. And this isn’t the first time California has come out on top – the Judgement of Paris was a blind wine tasting competition in 1976 that established California as a preeminent wine region. At first it seemed like a joke. French wines going up against California wine? Everyone thought there was a clear winner...French wines. But when California came up victorious it shook the world. There is always a debate about which wines are better – Old World or New World. Old World refers to wines from Europe. New World refers to wines made anywhere else in the world. Personally, we don’t think one world is better than the other world. Each has their own unique qualities that makes the wines made there different. US wine regions We also asked our Bright Cellars Instagram followers this question, here are some of our favorite responses:
  • California, the ???? state
  • Oregon, Cali, Colorado has good ones but I’m biased
  • I’ll drink vino from anywhere!

In Vino Finito

Where does your favorite vino come from? Let us know in the comments!
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