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Trebbiano 2008
Refreshing and light, the Trebbiano grape has crisp flavors of green apple, melon and a hint of grapefruit. This wine is flexible for pairing with a variety of light entrees: salads garnished with nuts and citrus, seafood, chicken, rice, vegetables or enjoy with creamy cheese such as Brie or Camembert.
Trebbiano 2008
The Basics
- Region: Wine of Italy
Wine/Product Description
Refreshing and light, the Trebbiano grape has crisp flavors of green apple, melon and a hint of grapefruit. This wine is flexible for pairing with a variety of light entrees: salads garnished with nuts and citrus, seafood, chicken, rice, vegetables or enjoy with creamy cheese such as Brie or Camembert.
Flavor Profile
Green apple