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Pinot Noir 2012
This wine is from Oltrepo Pavese, a small area in Italy's northwest region of Lombardy. This Pinot Noir, or Pinot Nero, as it is known in Italy, has elegant flavors of red fruits like cherry, cranberry and raspberry. Try it for yourself and see if you can taste the subtle hints of earth, mushrooms and baking spices like clove and allspice. This wine's light body and elevated acidity make it very food-friendly! Enjoy this wine with mushroom risotto or sausage and truffle pizza. Pair this wine with mild or creamy cheeses like Brie, Camembert or Havarti.
Pinot Noir 2012
- Region: Wine of Italy
This wine is from Oltrepo Pavese, a small area in Italy's northwest region of Lombardy. This Pinot Noir, or Pinot Nero, as it is known in Italy, has elegant flavors of red fruits like cherry, cranberry and raspberry. Try it for yourself and see if you can taste the subtle hints of earth, mushrooms and baking spices like clove and allspice. This wine's light body and elevated acidity make it very food-friendly! Enjoy this wine with mushroom risotto or sausage and truffle pizza. Pair this wine with mild or creamy cheeses like Brie, Camembert or Havarti.