What's The Right Way to Hold a Wine Glass?

Everyone does it differently, but is there a right way to hold a wine glass? We asked our audience, and here are the results.

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Sure, everyone does it differently, but is there a right way to hold a wine glass?

We asked our Bright Cellars audience, “what’s the correct way to hold a wine glass?” and here are the responses:


  • 57.7% of respondents said the correct way is by the stem for swirling.
  • 26.1% of respondents chose by the base for temperature control.
  • 12.6% of respondents said by the bowl for stability.
  • 2.7% of respondents prefer to drink by the bottle (who uses glasses?)
  • .9% of respondents said pinky up for fanciness.

We also asked our Bright Cellars Instagram community and got some honest responses that made us chuckle:

  • Sometimes by the base, sometimes by the bottle, always pinky up!
  • By the stem but also with pinky up (because class ????????)
  • Whichever way allows you to fully enjoy the wine
  • By the stem, pinky up!

Technically, this was a bit of a trick question.

The correct answer? You should hold your wine glass by the stem or by the base! Both of these options are great for swirling your wine and for temperature control. When you hold the wine glass by the stem/base, you reduce the chance of transferring body heat to the wine itself (this happens when you hold the glass by the bowl.)

No matter how you hold your wine (or if you skipped the glasses altogether and went straight for the bottle), we’ll never judge you.

In Vino Finito

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!


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