The Best Barbecue Wines, Ranked

With Memorial Day coming up and grills coming out, we asked our Bright Cellars' audience "what's your go-to barbecue wine?"

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When you’re grilling out in the back yard with friends, throwing burgers on the grill, or enjoying Memorial Day with your family, which wine do you reach for?

We asked our Bright Cellars’ readers, “what’s your go-to barbecue wine?” and here are the results.


  • 28.5% of respondents chose Zinfandel.
  • 26.7% of respondents said Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • 18.1% of respondents chose Malbec.
  • 17.6% of respondents prefer Shiraz or Syrah.
  • 9.1% of respondents said they reach for a Grenache or Garnacha.

We also asked our Bright Cellars Instagram community and got some great responses:

  • A smoky, spicy Zinfandel or a cool climate Syrah 👏
  • Depends on the meat.. But I’d also take any! 😂🍷

Based on the results, it sounds like our readers know their stuff! Zinfandel is widely regarded as the best wine to pair with barbecue. This rich, fruity red also shows notes of exotic spices, so it perfectly complements most things off the grill.

Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Syrah, and Grenache are all great options as well. Overall, bold red wines pair best with grilled meats because the higher fat and umami flavor balance out the red wine’s tannins.

In Vino Finito

Which BBQ wine is your go-to?


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