8 Backyard Fireworks and Wine Pairings

We know the 4th is over, but we are sure you have some leftover fireworks. Use this backyard fireworks and wine pairings guide for a fun summer evening!

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Still have some leftover fireworks from the 4th? Or thinking about having a social distancing party in the backyard with some friends? Use this as a guide for backyard fireworks and wine pairings. Since many 4th of July fireworks celebrations have been canceled this year, why not have a little show of your own in your backyard? Each backyard firework is different from the next – similar to wines! Try these different wine and backyard firework pairings for a fun and SAFE get together with friends or family. Note: We suggest the people enjoying the glass of wine with the fireworks are NOT operating them. You should never play with fireworks while drinking.


Sparklers are the most simple of backyard fireworks. They are fun and easy to use but still beautiful! This run-of-the-mill firework would be best enjoyed with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. A summertime wine that is one of the most common types of varietals. And sparklers are no different! A classic wine and a classic firework complement each other by bringing in an added fun element to both.


Firecrackers are small explosive devices that pack a punch! Known for their loud booms and fiery blast they seem like a red wine kind of firework. The best wine to pair with a firecracker needs to be just as fiery and spicy. We suggest a Syrah. This medium to high tannin wine has flavor notes of, all spice, rosemary, cured meat, herbs, and smoke. These flavors will pair well with the firecrackers quick punch and thundering booms.

Smoke Bombs

They do exactly what they sound like they would do, smoke! They last for around 60-90 seconds, but during that short period of time they are letting off bright colored and beautiful smoke. This backyard firework needs a wine pairing that gives off that peppy colorful feeling while still being slightly smoking. We think a Zinfandel would be just that! This is a fruit-flavored red that has notes of smoky spice. These smoky and fruity flavors will go nicely with the bright smoke coming from the smoke bomb. Backyard fireworks isn’t the only thing that Zinfandel pairs nicely with. It also goes great with backyard BBQ food!


Snappers are made from sand or gravel along with a silver fulminate. The silver is what causes it to “snap” when it hits the ground. Snappers need a wine that is just as snappy but still has that mineral taste. Cabernet Franc comes from the Bordeaux wine region in southwest France. The grapes are produced on the left river bank, which causes them to have a more mineral taste. Cabernet Franc has flavor notes of strawberry, raspberry, and crushed gravel. The mineral flavors from the wine will match nicely with the gravel inside the snapper.

Bottle Rockets

Bottle rockets shoot into the sky and end with a loud bang. They remind us of the over-dramatic sibling in the backyard fireworks family. Bottle rockets are fiery and that fire is best paired with bubbles. Champagne or sparkling wine would be the best pairing for bottle rockets. The bubbles add to the over dramatic bottle rocket experience.


Personally, these are our favorite. The middle of the firework bursts with bright and fire filled colors, which leaves spectators in awe. Rosé also seems to have this effect also. Rosé has become a wine with a flashy personality and we are here for it. The fountain firework and rosé are a match made in heaven! Since both have flashy personalities they go nicely with one another. The over-the-top show from the fountain will help cut through the sassy taste of the rosé.

Roman Candles

These backyard fireworks are great because they are a smaller version of those big firework shows! They start off slow but then shoot multiple sparkling, colorful fireballs into the air. Lambrusco is a rare red sparkling wine that would match perfectly with roman candles. As one of the top 5 red wine to drink during the summer, it is known for its fruit-forward flavors. The bubbles from the Lambrusco match up with the sparkling roman candles. So sit back and sip on your sparkling red wine as you watch the fireworks light up the night sky.

Ground Spinner

Ground spinners are the perfect match for backyard fireworks and wine pairings! They spin around and give off fiery sparkling colors. They seem like the youngest sibling in the backyard fireworks family. You have to love them just because they are so sweet. The best wines to drink with ground spinners would be a sweet Riesling or Moscato. These two sweet white wines are often viewed as the younger sibling in the wine family as well. Which is why ground spinners and these wines make the perfect pairing. Moscato has flavor notes of lemon, pear, and mandarin oranges. A Riesling has flavor notes of green apple, beeswax, and jasmine. Both of these wines have a zippy flavor similar to the ground spinner’s show!

In Vino Finito

Who doesn’t like a nice glass of wine and a show? Let us know in the comments if we missed any other backyard fireworks and wine pairings.
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